Is it a myth or reality, fact or fiction? The "pink cloud" is an experience common to almost everyone that seeks recovery from drug addiction or alcoholism. Early stage recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism is a period of time that is comprised of a great many challenges and feelings which are difficult to manage. The individual recovering from drug addiction or alcoholism may still be experiencing cravings, symptoms associated with withdrawal or feelings for the first time in sobriety. Each day is a series of "ups and downs, highs and lows, usually accompanied by depression, frustration, hopelessness, anger, resentment which the addict or alcoholic is accustomed to coping with through the use of drugs, alcohol or unhealthy behavioral choices.
What is the "pink cloud"?
Then comes a day, followed by a series of days or weeks, where the addict or alcoholic experiences acceptance. He or she is excited at the prospect of what recovery from addiction and alcoholism has to offer and feel as if they have grasped what it takes to maintain quality recovery. All the work they have done in their addiction treatment center and self help group has paid off and they experience a reprieve from all the difficulties that have crossed their path. This reprieve, which is actually a feeling, lasts but for a period of time and as with any feeling, comes and goes. As this feeling of excitement and acceptance passes, the risk for relapse is great as the addict or alcoholic begin to doubt the quality of their recovery. They become scared and thoughts of their drug addiction or alcoholism reappear. Addicts and alcoholics will experience this "pink cloud" phenomenon many times in recovery. As their ability to cope with feelings and situations increase and they become more committed to their relapse prevention program, the less likely relapse is to occur.
For additional information on relapse prevention, addiction treatment, drug addiction or alcoholism, please refer to - a web site dedicated to helping people overcome alcohol and drug addiction.
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